TB Joshua: How to know your CPDM political leader uses witchcraft 0

If you see a rich CPDM politician such as Hon. John Ebong Ngolle or Minister Atanga Nji Paul emerging from a funny nasty building or location, putting on African attire, or if you watch them address the masses in a specific coat and regularly pats their shoulder that is witchcraft in action.

We had witnessed many of the above scenarios in the early days of multiparty politics when the Right Hon. Simon Achidi Achu had control of the North West province and the Maradona of South West politics, John Ebong Ngolle was still in active service.

During the 1990s, an election was the season of harvest for witch doctors, and if Southern Cameroons history is anything to go by, politicians were seen trooping to dusty huts in droves to ‘bewitch’ voters, their opponents or to simply arm themselves with talismans to ward off juju.

When party nominations or news of a new cabinet appeared to be just around the corner, witch doctors were raking in cash by the truckload. CPDM politicians even accused opponents in the SDF of visiting witch doctors at night while joining congregations in Roman Catholic and Presbyterian churches on Sunday mornings.

Some years ago during the violent demonstrations that were caused by food shortage, President Biya in a statement, made a mockery of his opponents within his ruling CPDM party that they were visiting some weak and inefficient sorcery dens to boost their chances of ousting him. Biya did not name the said politicians but we now know them from the lists of those in the Kondengui High security prison.

While some CPDM politicians visit native doctors to win elections, others outsource them to eliminate rivals. In Manyu Division, elderly women were paid millions to dance on the streets naked so that no CPDM candidate could lose a seat in the National Assembly.

To win a ministerial seat, many from Southern Cameroons had to visit the twin lakes in the Kupe Muanenguba constituency while many others traveled to neighboring Nigeria. A parliamentary seat required some nights with the chief priest at a cemetery. To be a governor, the stakes were even higher including numerous trips to the Pigmies in the East and to Oku in the North West. The witch doctors in some occasion accepted installment payments. One had to pay a reasonable amount before the elections and the rest after winning.

For instance, when the CPDM wins, the cabinet minister pays more and part of the extra is burnt and is mixed with special ointment. The Minister had to apply this oil on his seat in his office to enable him stay in the Biya cabinet. A witch doctor revealed that he gave CPDM politicians ‘special spices’ to rob on their manhood and make love to young girls recruited from nearby high schools.

The spices were added to the food served to the girls during the reception after the rallies. The concoction worked like magic, noted one of the South West CPDM regime. “It hardly backfires and you were assured of a lucrative position in government.”

The CPDM clients must undergo a special ‘cleansing’ ceremony. The big men and women had to drop a 500 frs coin in a calabash for greeting the spirits then proceeded for body anointment, similar to a massage, using oil and fresh herbs. This was aimed at ensuring the client’s body responds to the so-called medication. After this, you were ready to receive the juju powers.

Affluent people who are predominantly in the ruling CPDM have a lot to lose if things don’t go their way. So, for them, if it’s witchcraft that can make sure they are comfortable in their positions, they will go for it. Poor people have little to lose and their solution is usually fervent belief in Jesus Christ. So, many CPDM politicians are engaging in witchcraft despite being active in their professed religions, and this is worrying.

John Ebong Ngolle, seen recently at TB Joshua in Nigeria was a youthful administrator very much loved by Prime Minister A.N Jua and was appointed Senior Divisional Officer by Jua in 1965. He served in all divisions in the South West and North West provinces and in some cases twice. His last SDO position was in Ndian Division from where he was appointed Governor of the South West Province in 1989 to replace Magloire Ngemba who was transferred to Bamenda.

Just over a year later, he was appointed to the North West Province. He played his political cards very well and helped get the CPDM all the 20 parliamentary seats in the North West that made Achidi Achu prime minister and head of government.

He became a cabinet minister in 1992 and was given additional responsibilities as board chair of Sonara and CPDM political bureau member. His other administrative colleagues (Majority of blessed memory) served honorably and died peacefully. Joseph Mbassi Ngoh, Bambot Sickot, Tabi Arram Mpey, Akoto Ndang. Today, here is the biological son of a former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC rolling on the floor in a black church in Nigeria with a pastor pushing his head like a common sinner.

Another pathetic CPDM case is that of Oben Peter Ashu! The late arrogant administrator was Senior Divisional Officer for Ndonga Mantung and many Southern Cameroonians have opined that he masterminded the ‘Ndu Masacre’. With the help of John Ebong Ngolle, the then Minister of Territorial Administration, Gilbert Andze Tchoungui appointed Oben Ashu as Governor of the South West province to replace Etame Massoma who was moved to the West.

Governor Oben Peter Ashu instituted his famous “Come No Go” policy and targeted the grass field people. Oben was dropped by the Biya regime and on retirement in Buea he worshiped at St Martin Catholic Church in Bokwango Buea. He met HIM and openly asked for God’s forgiveness.

Chief Inoni Ephraim had a meteoric rise in the system and it was believed he had the best juju man that the CPDM leadership could rely on. President Biya even spent a night at his residence in Bakingili when he visited the volcano eruption site.

He has been everything in the regime including prime minister and head of government. Recently, he told some Supreme Court judges that he has met HIM and he was now at peace with Jesus Christ.

We all know that Ebong Ngolle did not go to TB Joshua for healing. He went there to destroy the pact he had signed with the devil over the years. Our Southern Cameroons politics needs hygiene.

By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
Cameroon Concord News Group
